Why did not one tell me Feb 6th was officially World Nude Day? Not that it’s easy to even put pants on me, but this excuse is as good at any to get ‘em off. Yay World Nude Day!

World Nude Day is apparently run by some Kiwi’s (that’s the term for New Zealanders in case you’re not as culturally in the know as I) where they ask people to shed their inhibitions and clothes. They also encourage folk to film themselves doing all sorts of tasks while in the nude. I strongly recommend the site, but only if you’re of strong constitution. Models these are not.

Fri 6th Feb is World Nude Day. It's an opportunity to celebrate the beauty of the human body and to rid society of the outdated Judeo-Christian belief that 'nudity is bad.' "On the contrary! There is nothing more natural or beautiful than the human body!", states Mark Woodgate, National Guide for New Zealand.

Oh those clever Kiwis, celebrating their world nude day by asking for video submissions of the nude doing funny things such as cooking french fries and riding on the outside of a car through a car wash… and ostridge riding? yes!



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