A Century of Gunga Din Plus Eight
In only 32 days the world will celebrate the 108th birthday of actor Sam Jaffe.
Monarchies, patri­cians and kings ruled the world. History in my time covered the Spanish, the French, Britain, Portugal and Belgium. The sun never set on the United Kingdom but my most vivid memory of English rule was the slo-motion death of Gunga Din, in the final scene of the epic 30s movie. I certainly couldn’t relate to Cary Grant or Walter McGlaughlan but the little ole Indian water boy? Yeah, I could make a connection there, even with bullet holes in him.

Horne, who died Dec. 29 of cancer, also enjoyed a mildly successful film career, appearing in "Gunga Din" and "A Place in the Sun."

OK, so it's no "Gunga Din." At least the subject matter is something most of us can relate to. And "Paul Blart" has topped the box office list for the past two weekends. In fact, it's well on its to reaching $100 million at the box office.



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