Search Engine Optimization part1

tempalte professional use

If you're confused design blog, on the internet there are lots of templates that good. Can be obtained from the free up to the pay. Enter keywords such as "b template" on Google you will have lots of free blog templates. At least this is a job to help you. So stay in the design.

Number of content

Try putting content in the size of the fitting. Do not be too small. Suppose in a page, there are only three lines only. This is very small.

For example, you have ads on the right side of the long-term. But a little of your content, does not reach 1 / 2 of the page that appears. This will feel very boring for your visitors. Sebijak may create a balanced composition that. If this happens a lot in the Blog / Web You, the visitor will be bored quickly.


The Diary said...

where is for download this template?

The Diary said...

ths u for visiting my blog :)


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